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It is with pleasure that we invite you to attend the 13th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) during 18-26 August 2028 on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
Convenor’s Welcome
It is with pleasure that we invite you to attend the 13th International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) during 18-26 August 2028 on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
It is predicted that the global population will reach 9.7 billion people by 2050, placing intense pressure on food supply chains. Half of the world’s population will reside in the tropics due to rapid population growth in this region, and tropical climes will have expanded poleward due to global warming. It is therefore apt that the ICPP in 2028 will be held for the very first time in a subtropical zone.
We are planning a diverse and stimulating program of talks, workshops, technical tours, and social networking events. Think of any crop and it is likely to be grown in Australia – from apples to mangoes and wheat to sugarcane. There will be congress sessions that cater for every plant pathology interest.
August is the perfect time to visit the Gold Coast, with average maximum daily temperatures at a comfortable 22 °C (72 °F) and the skies blue and sunny. There are a multitude of hotel and dining options within walking distance of the Convention Centre to suit every budget. Take a one-hour drive and immerse yourself in world heritage rainforest with some of the most ancient fauna and flora in the world. The Gold Coast in also a launching pad for the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, just a short plane ride away.
Australians are famous for organizing world class events. We look forward to extending our hospitality to you when you visit in 2028. Save the dates in your calendar!
Kindest regards,
Andrew Geering
Vice President (Congress) of International Society of Plant Pathology
President’s Welcome
On the behalf of the International Society of Plant Pathology, I would like to invite you all to attend the 13th International Congress on Plant Pathology (ICPP) on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia from August 19-25, 2028.
The importance of plant pathology has become more significant than ever for food security due to the growth of world population and climate change. To effectively address these challenges, it is essential for us to work together and translate our knowledge obtained from basic sciences of plant pathology to develop robust platform for disease management.
ICPP is the world’s largest conference on plant pathology and has served as the global forum to foster sharing the research updates and facilitate collaboration among scientists around the world. The Australasian Plant Pathology Society, our host for ICPP 2028, has set an exciting and enriching program of the congress including scientific talks, satellite meetings, technical tours and social events. Your presence and active participation will undoubtedly contribute to the success of ICPP 2028.
Looking forward to seeing you in Queensland, Australia on August, 2028!
Yong-Hwan Lee
President, The International Society of Plant Pathology
SNU Distinguished Professor, Seoul National University, Korea